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Message from the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences

Dear All,

Here is a newly published document on investment, entitled, Mensuram Bonam and an introductory note from the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Cardinal Peter Turkson. Mensuram Bonam (MB) means a good measure. It continues the Church’s engagement with the world of business and finance to exercise her mission of truth in light of the Gospel. MB specifically addresses Catholics—those overseeing the Church’s assets and her investments and institutions, those responsible for Catholic organizations, institutions, and orders, as well as individual Catholics investors, Catholic educators, and students in business, finance and investment, among others. MB supports a new generation of what could be called “integral investors,” providing Church teachings to inspire vision and develop a perspective that is wider and more inclusive. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church has been the primary source for the principles for faith-consistent investing developed in MB.

Best regards, Bishop's Office

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