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Lifting of Dispensation with effect from Palm Sunday 2023

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Dear All, Greetings of Hope and Joy! As we enter into the 4th Sunday of Lent, known as Laetare Sunday (Rejoice), I am pleased to share with you a pastoral letter from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Malaysia with regards to the "Lifting of Dispensation with effect from Palm Sunday 2023". The translations of this pastoral letter will be made available to all soon. On this Sunday of Joy, the Second Scrutiny will also take place in preparation for the baptism of adults at Easter. Continue to join me in prayer for all the members of the elect and all those going to be baptised and confirmed this Easter. March 19, marks the 10th Anniversary of Pope Francis' pastoral ministry as the 265th Successor of St. Peter. Please remember him specially at this weekend's masses. The Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Guardian of the Universal Church, is usually celebrated on March 19, but has been transferred to March 20, since the liturgy of Sunday takes precedence. My prayerful wishes to you as we journey into the halfway mark of the Sundays of Lent.


Bahasa Malaysia



United in Christ, Bishop Sebastian Francis

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