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INVITATION: Ecclesial Synodality in the Shared Mission of Oceania and Asia 29 September

Dear All,

Attached is an invitation to a virtual dialogue on Ecclesial Synodality in the Shared Mission of Oceania and Asia from the River Above Asia Oceania Ecclesial Network (RAOEN). This invitation is open to all clergy, religious and laity who are active in the animating engagements at the diocesan level and may find value in engaging in this dialogue. Also attached to this email is the briefing kit for this event.

As stated in the Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality, we are at a crucial moment in the life of the Church and the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has made existing inequalities explode. At the same time, this global crisis has revived our sense that we are all in the same boat, and that “one person’s problems are the problems of all” (FT, 32).

Synodality enables all people of God to walk forward together. This event serves as a platform where all people who share in the mission of caring for our common home can come together to listen to the voices of synodality and solidarity for Oceania and Asia.

The last portion of this event is a break-out session. It would be a great opportunity to connect what is happening on the level of diocesan activities and at other levels also across the wider Asia and Oceania. Please extend this invitation to all. 29 September 2021, Wednesday 3:00 pm Malaysia Please register using this link by 24 September 2021: There are limited places left.

Best regards, Bishop's Office

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